- Inform your employer about your needs. It will allow you to be honest when you are not feeling well enough to get to work.
Tell them:
- You may need to make some reasonable adjustments at work but will ensure that it does not affect your overall performance. These can include but are not limited to:
- Working remotely when possible
- Flexible work hours (shorter days or different hours)
- Easier access to a washroom (if applicable)
- Time for more frequent washroom breaks
- Time allowance for medical appointments and treatments
- Even though you may look healthy, it does not mean that you feel healthy.
- There may be days where you’ll be late because of your moderate to severe UC or CD.
- It’s also a good idea to speak to an HR manager or a health benefits manager to understand what your work is required by law to do for you.

Remember! You are not required to disclose your moderate to severe UC or CD in an interview.
CD = Crohn's disease; UC = ulcerative colitis